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Enigma Semiconductor

IP Fabrics

Knowledge Universe

McKenzie Worldwide


Sun - IDR


TriQuint Semiconductor

Zaplet, Inc.

In 1997, Luna principal Luis Navarro led the redesign of's entire site as well as the ensuing implementation phase. The main goal of the new design was to organize a vast site with several dozen functional areas into a single cohesive site.

To handle such a large site without overwhelming the user, Luis organized the functional areas into 11 sections and designed a groundbreaking two-level navigation bar that dynamically expands the current section and always shows the user's current location. Luis also introduced color symbolism to reinforce the contents of the different sections.

Luis worked with a graphic designer to create an overall look-and-feel for the site that wouldn't depend on any browser features introduced after Netscape 2.

Some of the redesigned pages Luis worked on:

  • Home Page - The new home page introduced the user to the site and to the breadth of information available within. It also featured quotes for the "big 3" indices, easy access to quotes, a rotating "Tip Of The Day" section, and a feature area to announce new site features.

  • Quick Quotes Page - This page featured an interface that was optimized for rapid-fire quote requests and an intelligent quote display engine that would display different quote fields based on the number of quotes requested and the types of securities (i.e., stocks, bonds, etc) involved.

  • Site Map - This page offered a quick glance of the site's 11 sections with easy access to all features. This page also reinforced the color symbolism approach used on all page headers throughout the site.

  • Datasheets - This new feature was designed by Luis to offer the user a one-stop hub for information on a security. The page offered a quick snapshot including summaries, charts, relevant statistics and recent headlines. For those seeking to dig deeper, the bottom of the datasheet dynamically displayed links to other site features that offered more data on the current security.

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Home Page
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Quick Quote
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Site Map
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Stock Datasheet
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